We appreciate you making the time to visit us. We hope to make your experience as pleasant as possible whether you're opening an account, applying for loans or credit cards, or tapping into our business expertise. And if all you need is cash, stop at one of our 30,000+ no-fee ATMS, nationwide. Use the locator below to find the nearest Andrews Federal or CO-OP ATM and avoid a possible $1 fee.
Come for the service. Stay for the friendship.
You can book an appointment online with our stateside branches. Book your appointment now.
Suitland, MD
Joint Base Andrews, MD
Upper Marlboro, MD
Waldorf, MD
Washington, D.C. - SE
Alexandria, VA
Springfield, VA - West Springfield
New Jersey
Burlington, NJ
Joint Base MDL, NJ
Mt. Laurel, NJ
Wiesbaden, Germany
Hainerberg, Germany
Brunssum, the Netherlands
Brussels, Belgium
Chièvres, Belgium
The daily ATM cash withdrawal limit is $1000. For Point of Sale (POS) purchases where a PIN is required, the daily limit is $1,000. For POS purchases that do not require a PIN, the daily limit is $3,000. There is a limit of 25 Visa purchase transactions per day.
Since our branch hours vary, select the appropriate branch under the "Locations" section of this website.
Members may obtain 1 free Official Check per day. Any additional Official Checks are $5.00 each.
Members may cash in coins at any one of our branch locations.
Yes, through the CO-OP Shared Branch Network, Andrews Federal members will be able to complete some of the same transactions as if you were at an Andrews Federal branch. To find a Shared Branch near you and to confirm the services that are available, visit the Branches & ATMs page.
Yes, through the CO-OP Shared Branch Network, Andrews Federal members will be able to complete some of the same transactions as if they were at an Andrews Federal branch. Guest members from other credit unions may access their accounts at our military base locations only. We have suspended service for non-Andrews credit union members at all other branch locations.
Through the CO-OP ATM network, we offer over 30,000 no-fee ATMs, covering all 50 states and 10 countries. Use our ATM locator to find the nearest Andrews Federal or CO-OP ATM. There is a small $1 fee to use a non-Andrews Federal or non-CO-OP ATM.
Earn 6.00% APY* with Kasasa Cash Checking, a free checking account that pays high dividends.
Andrews Federal Credit Union is a full-service financial institution with stateside locations in Washington, D.C., a variety of Maryland counties including Prince Georges, St. Mary’s, Calvert and Charles, Northern Virginia and New Jersey, as well as overseas locations in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany.