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Credit Union Precautions - Coronavirus

We take the health and safety of our members and employees very seriously.
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To our valued Members,

We take the health and safety of our members and employees very seriously. As the coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread throughout the world, we want to share some of the actions Andrews Federal Credit Union is taking to help protect you and our employees.

Our Crisis Management Team has been closely monitoring guidance from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and local health departments in our regions. We have already initiated and tested our Business Continuity Pandemic Plan, validated operational technologies, and identified vital staff to handle the enhancements of our remote servicing capabilities. Further, out of an abundance of caution, we have enacted a business travel restriction for employees to minimize the risk of exposure to any of our employees who provide service to our membership. 

To protect you and our employees in our branch locations, we have increased the cleaning regimen for frequently touched surfaces, and are deviating from our typical greeting with a handshake to a non-touch welcome. Lastly, our popular in-person member seminars will be temporarily postponed until official recommendations to resume are received.

Despite the intensifying impact of the coronavirus on our economy, your financial security is being safeguarded by the Credit Union, and our commitment to providing exceptional products and services remains as strong as ever. We stand prepared to assist impacted members as needed. Should you encounter hardship as a result of the coronavirus, please contact us.

We value your membership and the privilege of serving you. We are prepared, and we will make decisions with the health and well-being of our members and employees in mind. 


Jim Hayes

President & CEO